
epftoolbox.models.hyperparameter_optimizer(path_datasets_folder='./datasets', path_hyperparameters_folder='./experimental_files', new_hyperopt=1, max_evals=1500, nlayers=2, dataset='PJM', years_test=2, calibration_window=4, shuffle_train=1, data_augmentation=0, experiment_id=None, begin_test_date=None, end_test_date=None)[source]

Function to optimize the hyperparameters and input features of the DNN. An example on how to use this function is provided here.

  • path_datasets_folder (str, optional) – Path to read and store datasets.
  • path_hyperparameters_folder (str, optional) – Path to read and store trials files from hyperopt.
  • new_hyperopt (bool, optional) – Boolean that decides whether to start a new hyperparameter optimization or re-start an existing one.
  • max_evals (int, optional) – Maximum number of iterations for hyperopt.
  • nlayers (int, optional) – Number of layers of the DNN model.
  • dataset (str, optional) – Name of the dataset/market under study. If it is one one of the standard markets, i.e. "PJM", "NP", "BE", "FR", or "DE", the dataset is automatically downloaded. If the name is different, a dataset with a csv format should be place in the path_datasets_folder.
  • years_test (int, optional) – Number of years (a year is 364 days) in the test dataset. It is only used if the arguments begin_test_date and end_test_date are not provided.
  • calibration_window (int, optional) – Calibration window used for training the models.
  • shuffle_train (bool, optional) – Boolean that selects whether the validation and training datasets are shuffled. Based on empirical results, this configuration does not play a role when selecting the hyperparameters and features. However, it is important when recalibrating the DNN model.
  • data_augmentation (bool, optional) – Boolean that selects whether a data augmentation technique for DNNs is used. Based on empirical results, for some markets data augmentation might improve forecasting accuracy at the expense of higher computational costs.
  • experiment_id (None, optional) – Unique identifier to save/read the trials file. If not provided, the current date is used as identifier.
  • begin_test_date (datetime/str, optional) – Optional parameter to select the test dataset. Used in combination with the argument end_test_date. If either of them is not provided, the test dataset is built using the years_test argument. begin_test_date should either be a string with the following format "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M", or a datetime object.
  • end_test_date (datetime/str, optional) – Optional parameter to select the test dataset. Used in combination with the argument begin_test_date. If either of them is not provided, the test dataset is built using the years_test argument. end_test_date should either be a string with the following format "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M", or a datetime object.