LEAR Examples

This section contains two examples on how to use the LEAR model. The first example provides an easy-to-use interface for evaluating the LEAR model in a given test dataset. The second example provides more flexible interface to perform recalibration and daily forecasting with a LEAR model.

1. Easy recalibration

The first example provides an easy-to-use interface for evaluating the LEAR model in a given test dataset. While this example lacks flexibility, it grants an simple interface to evalute LEAR models in different datasets.

Simplified example for using the LEAR model for forecasting prices with daily recalibration

# Author: Jesus Lago

# License: AGPL-3.0 License

from epftoolbox.models import evaluate_lear_in_test_dataset
import os

# Market under study. If it not one of the standard ones, the file name
# has to be provided, where the file has to be a csv file
dataset = 'PJM'

# Number of years (a year is 364 days) in the test dataset.
years_test = 2

# Number of days used in the training dataset for recalibration
calibration_window = 364 * 4

# Optional parameters for selecting the test dataset, if either of them is not provided, 
# the test dataset is built using the years_test parameter. They should either be one of
# the date formats existing in python or a string with the following format
# "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"
begin_test_date = None
end_test_date = None

path_datasets_folder = os.path.join('.', 'datasets')
path_recalibration_folder = os.path.join('.', 'experimental_files')
                             path_datasets_folder=path_datasets_folder, dataset=dataset, years_test=years_test, 
                             calibration_window=calibration_window, begin_test_date=begin_test_date, 

2. Flexible recalibration

The second example provides more flexible interface to perform recalibration and daily forecasting with a LEAR model. While this example is more complex, it grants a flexible interface to use the LEAR model for real-time application.

Example for using the LEAR model for forecasting prices with daily recalibration

# Author: Jesus Lago

# License: AGPL-3.0 License

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import argparse
import os

from epftoolbox.data import read_data
from epftoolbox.evaluation import MAE, sMAPE
from epftoolbox.models import LEAR

# ------------------------------ EXTERNAL PARAMETERS ------------------------------------#

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

parser.add_argument("--dataset", type=str, default='PJM', 
                    help='Market under study. If it not one of the standard ones, the file name' +
                         'has to be provided, where the file has to be a csv file')

parser.add_argument("--years_test", type=int, default=2, 
                    help='Number of years (a year is 364 days) in the test dataset. Used if ' +
                    ' begin_test_date and end_test_date are not provided.')

parser.add_argument("--calibration_window", type=int, default=4 * 364, 
                    help='Number of days used in the training dataset for recalibration')

parser.add_argument("--begin_test_date", type=str, default=None, 
                    help='Optional parameter to select the test dataset. Used in combination with ' +
                         'end_test_date. If either of them is not provided, test dataset is built ' +
                         'using the years_test parameter. It should either be  a string with the ' +
                         ' following format d/m/Y H:M')

parser.add_argument("--end_test_date", type=str, default=None, 
                    help='Optional parameter to select the test dataset. Used in combination with ' +
                         'begin_test_date. If either of them is not provided, test dataset is built ' +
                         'using the years_test parameter. It should either be  a string with the ' +
                         ' following format d/m/Y H:M')

args = parser.parse_args()

dataset = args.dataset
years_test = args.years_test
calibration_window = args.calibration_window
begin_test_date = args.begin_test_date
end_test_date = args.end_test_date

path_datasets_folder = os.path.join('.', 'datasets')
path_recalibration_folder = os.path.join('.', 'experimental_files')
# Defining train and testing data
df_train, df_test = read_data(dataset=dataset, years_test=years_test, path=path_datasets_folder,
                              begin_test_date=begin_test_date, end_test_date=end_test_date)

# Defining unique name to save the forecast
forecast_file_name = 'fc_nl' + '_dat' + str(dataset) + '_YT' + str(years_test) + \
                     '_CW' + str(calibration_window) + '.csv'

forecast_file_path = os.path.join(path_recalibration_folder, forecast_file_name)

# Defining empty forecast array and the real values to be predicted in a more friendly format
forecast = pd.DataFrame(index=df_test.index[::24], columns=['h' + str(k) for k in range(24)])
real_values = df_test.loc[:, ['Price']].values.reshape(-1, 24)
real_values = pd.DataFrame(real_values, index=forecast.index, columns=forecast.columns)

forecast_dates = forecast.index

model = LEAR(calibration_window=calibration_window)

# For loop over the recalibration dates
for date in forecast_dates:

    # For simulation purposes, we assume that the available data is
    # the data up to current date where the prices of current date are not known
    data_available = pd.concat([df_train, df_test.loc[:date + pd.Timedelta(hours=23), :]], axis=0)

    # We set the real prices for current date to NaN in the dataframe of available data
    data_available.loc[date:date + pd.Timedelta(hours=23), 'Price'] = np.NaN

    # Recalibrating the model with the most up-to-date available data and making a prediction
    # for the next day
    Yp = model.recalibrate_and_forecast_next_day(df=data_available, next_day_date=date, 
    # Saving the current prediction
    forecast.loc[date, :] = Yp

    # Computing metrics up-to-current-date
    mae = np.mean(MAE(forecast.loc[:date].values.squeeze(), real_values.loc[:date].values)) 
    smape = np.mean(sMAPE(forecast.loc[:date].values.squeeze(), real_values.loc[:date].values)) * 100

    # Pringint information
    print('{} - sMAPE: {:.2f}%  |  MAE: {:.3f}'.format(str(date)[:10], smape, mae))

    # Saving forecast